Apparition Apparatus
29 June – 24 July 2016
Galerie pompom, Sydney
Apparition Apparatus Extension
26 August – 1 October 2016
Turner Galleries, Perth
This body of work explores the relationship between belief systems and the natural world. These structures for thought and knowledge are often linked to experiences of natural phenomena. Faith and imagination contrive to instill meaning, symbolism and significance to hitherto unknown or misunderstood events. Examples of these could include a solar eclipse, a rainbow, the aurora borealis or even more common occurrences like the arrival of mist or the play of light in a forest.
Created by a manual application of pigment pen dots to printed photographs these images emulate the appearance of apparitions in a forest while the process of making reveals the constructed nature of the phenomena. In a way these images demonstrate our collective visions of the natural world – mediated by our human experience and the search for meaning.